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GRATA Azerbaijan joined France-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIAF)
GRATA Azerbaijan joined France-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIAF) suppose that this membership will positively contribute to the market perception and increase visibility among consumers, organizations and other business owners.
GRATA Azerbaijan joined The Azerbaijan-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Azerbaijan)
GRATA Azerbaijan joined The Azerbaijan-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Azerbaijan) and will benefit from its developed network.
GRATA Azerbaijan participated at the Joint AmCham/BCC Career Fair
On 5 October 2018 Joint AmCham/BCC Career Fair was held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
GRATA Azerbaijan attended German-Azerbaijani Business Forum 2018 on Energy and ICT
On 24-25 September 2018 the Baku E-Trade Forum was held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Gulnur Nurkeyeva took part at the 100th Anniversary of Azerbaijan's Republic Day
The event was held by the Embassy of Azerbaijan to China to mark the National Independence Day.
GRATA International participated in presentation of “Doing Business in Azerbaijan”
"Doing Business in Azerbaijan” Presentation (Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication) was held on 26th April 2018 and was attended by Mr. Emil Bashirov the Lawyer, GRATA International Law Firm (Office in the Republic of Azerbaijan).