
Uzbekistan establishes FEZ “Andijon-Farm”

Uzbekistan establishes FEZ “Andijon-Farm”

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on creation of a free economic zone “Andijon-farm”.

The free economic zone is created in Andijan district of the Andijan region, the document said.

The zone will attract investment and technologies, first of all, leading companies from the Republic of India, for creation of modern production facilities for the production of pharmaceutical products and medicines with high added value, including in the form of “in-bulk”.

It will also create new modern production facilities for the processing of medicinal plant materials and production of finished pharmaceutical products, medical devices, medical equipment, auxiliary and packaging materials.

The zone will ensure integrated and efficient use of production and resource potential of Andijan region in terms of growing medicinal plant raw materials in natural conditions for subsequent processing, etc.

The term of functioning of the FEZ “Andijon-farm” is 30 years with the possibility of its subsequent extension.

During the term of operation in the territory of the FEZ “Andijon-farm”, special tax and customs regimes are in force.

The head of Uzbekistan instructed in the first quarter of 2019 to present the capabilities of the new FEZ in India and in other countries.

The functions of the Directorate of the FEZ "Andijon-farm" can be transferred to foreign companies, primarily Indian firms, with experience in the development and management of economic zones, the document said.

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