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GRATA International ranks high in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021
The team of GRATA International was ranked among the best firms in Kazakhstan and placed in the highest tiers - "outstanding" and "recommended".
The best investment proposals of investors to be placed on the territory of modern business centers “Business city”
The Government of Uzbekistan approved the Regulation on the procedure for selecting the best investment proposals of investors for placement on the territory of modern business centers “Business city” and providing them with land plots.
Russia will help Uzbekistan in the modernization and development of airports
Uzbekistan and Russia are intensifying cooperation and are moving from discussing substantive issues to the plane of their implementation. The Prime Ministers Abdulla Aripov and Dmitry Medvedev agreed on this, reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
The provision on the procedure for granting subsidies for the construction of new hotels approved
The Government approved the Regulation on the allocation of subsidies from the State budget to compensate part of investors’ expenses for the construction and equipping of new hotels, as well as financing organizations on the basis of franchising agreements.
GRATA International ranked in Asia law Profiles 2019
For another consecutive year GRATA International received high appraisals from Asialaw profiles, one of the leading legal guides to top law firms and practitioners in Asia-Pacific.