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GRATA International attended Lawyers Forum 2019 in Mongolia
In the third year, the "Lawyers Forum-2019" was held by Mongolian Bar Association on June 13, 2019, at the Corporate and Convention Centre under the motto "The Role and Participation of Lawyers in Legal Reform". Bolormaa Volodya, Partner of GRATA International in Mongolia has attended to the Forum.
GRATA International ranked across several jurisdictions in ILFR1000 2019
IFLR1000 has released its 2019 rankings identifying leading firms and lawyers worldwide.
GRATA International has been ranked in 7 jurisdictions in Europe and Asia: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. IFLR1000 paid special attention to GRATA’s wide geographical coverage in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
GRATA International in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
As a further step in GRATA International’s strategy designed to provide a comprehensive coverage in the Eurasian region, we are pleased to announce the expansion of our Mongolian desk into a significant presence in Ulaanbaatar.