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Since 1, January 2022 information source “Registry of advertisers” will start working
Since 1, February 2022 providing services of distribution of advertisement by an advertiser who is not included to the Registry is gonna be banned and considered illegal.
New Law On protection of personal data came into action in Belarus
For companies, it means additional liabilities and the need to develop an algorithm for processing personal data of any kind of individual whether it is current and potential clients or representative of a legal entity. 
Medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment pricing
Since October, 18 2021 the Presidential Decree N 366 11.08.2005 “About medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment pricing” is amended.
EAEU. New CN FEA codes
Since January 1, 2022 the 7th Edition of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the basis of EEMA CN FEA) will enter into force.
New framing for Holdings activities
Since April 10, 2021 the new Presidential Decree on Holdings activity is entering into force. It widens the powers of the Holding’s managing companies such as approval of business-plans on development of subsidiary companies.
Construction in the Belorussian-Chinese industrial park “Great Stone”
Currently in Belarus the international platform for performing business is active. On its basis the tax benefits, opportunity of conducting agreements on option for contracting, no foreign-change restrictions and other benefits are granted.