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A new procedure for calculating state-regulated prices has been approved
Currently, Edict No. 72 establishes the closed list of goods (works, services), prices (tariffs) for which are regulated by the government. For example, some types of products, alcoholic beverages (strength over 28%), some types of medicines.
Export ban on a group of goods
From August 27, 2021, there is a temporary six-month ban on the export of certain types of goods. These products include cereals such as, for example, wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, rapeseed.
Amendments to the regulation on the unified procedure for veterinary control (supervision) at the customs border of the EAEU and on the customs territory of the EAEU
These changes provide for the possibility of issuing a veterinary certificate in electronic form. If this form was used, the officials of the authorized body of the member state do not have the right to require the owner (carrier) of the controlled goods to present a veterinary certificate on a paper form.
A new regulation on the procedure for the conservation of fixed assets.
Since November 1, 2021, a new regulation on the procedure for the conservation of fixed assets shall have come into force. It is going to replace the previously valid Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 683 of 22.05.2003.
Changes to the internal workplace regulations
On August 7, 2021, changes to the standard rules of the internal labor regulations came into force. They have resulted from the previously introduced amendments to the Labor Code.
Import of goods from Lithuania in a new way
Since September 1, when importing goods by road to Belarus from the territory of Lithuania, it is mandatory to use electronic navigation devices (seals).