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Textile and clothing-knitwear industry is being reformed in Uzbekistan
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed Decree “On measures to support the activities of cotton-textile clusters, radical reform of the textile and clothing-knitwear industry, as well as further increase in the export potential of the sector” No. УП-2 dated January 10, 2023 (the “Decree No. УП-2”).
The government will support the activities of cotton-textile clusters in Uzbekistan
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Resolution “On additional measures to support the activities of raw cotton producers” No. 23 dated January 26, 2023 (the “Resolution No. 23”).
The procedure for placing goods under customs transit regime has been defined in Uzbekistan
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Resolution “On measures to regulate operations related to the placement of goods under the customs regime of customs transit” No. 737 dated November 15, 2022 (the “Resolution No. 737”).
On the introduction of restrictions on the export of cash foreign currency from the Kyrgyz Republic
In order to ensure financial and economic security, stabilize the situation in the domestic foreign exchange market, as well as protect the national interests of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated January 13, 2023 No. 7 introduced a temporary ban on the export of foreign currency
Uzbekistan extends zero rates of customs duties on goods
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures for ensuring price stability in consumer markets” No. 251 dated November 17, 2022
GRATA International attends the 5th Anniversary Plenary Meeting of the Kazakhstan Canada Business Council (KCBC)
On November 25, 2022, Astana Samat Daumov, Partner, and Ainura Takeyeva, Counsel of GRATA International attended the conference dedicated to the 5th Anniversary Plenary Meeting of the Kazakhstan Canada Business Council.