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Import of goods from Lithuania in a new way
Since September 1, when importing goods by road to Belarus from the territory of Lithuania, it is mandatory to use electronic navigation devices (seals).
Technological equipment that are not manufactured in Uzbekistan will be exempted from VAT and customs duty
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of technological equipment, analogues of which are not manufactured in the Republic, exempted from customs duty and VAT at import on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan” №352 dated June 4, 2021 determined the list of technological equipment exempted from customs duty and VAT.
GRATA International spoke at the EUROBAK FMCG online meeting
On April 30, 2021, the EUROBAK FMCG webinar  on topic: 'Goods Marking with Means of Identification in the Republic of Kazakhstan' was held. 
GRATA International Law Firm was represented at the SCO EXPO in the People's Republic of China
On April 26, 2021, the International Investment and Trade Exhibition was held in Qingdao on regional trade and economic cooperation of the SCO countries.
New import customs duties on goods from Vietnam
Currently, there is a Free Trade Agreement between the EAEU and Vietnam. In the development of this Agreement the Decision of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board № 36 «On the application of the rates of import customs duties for products originating in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union» was adopted.
New reasons for deferred appraisal of customs value of goods
Sometimes when goods are imported into the territory of the EAEU and a customs entry is completed, it is not possible to provide an accurate customs value. In this situation, the procedure for deferred appraisal of customs value of goods will be applied.