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A new tax regime for certain categories of taxpayers is being implemented in Uzbekistan
In accordance with the amendments to the Tax Code introduced by the Law “On amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No.ЗРУ-714 dated September 14, 2021, a special taxation procedure may be established in certain territories of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing for the application of special tax rates.
Changes have been made to the Visa Rules
Currently, a visa application can be submitted to the visa-issuing authorities by a foreigner in person, by mail, by courier, through a representative or service provider.
GRATA International held the meeting of Legal Working Group
On September 2, 2021 the online meeting of the Legal Working Group at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Kazakhstan was held. Kamila Urazalina, Senior Associate of GRATA International spoke on: "Customs regulation of e-commerce".
Kamila Urazalina, Senior Associate of GRATA International spoke at the webinar held by EUROBAK
On September 2, 2021 the webinar at the European Business Association of Kazakhstan was held. Kamila Urazalina, Senior Associate of GRATA International spoke on: "Customs regulation of e-commerce".
GRATA International will hold a webinar: "Customs regulation of e-commerce"
On September 10, 2021 the webinar: “Customs regulation of e-commerce will be held online.
Amendments to the regulation on the unified procedure for veterinary control (supervision) at the customs border of the EAEU and on the customs territory of the EAEU
These changes provide for the possibility of issuing a veterinary certificate in electronic form. If this form was used, the officials of the authorized body of the member state do not have the right to require the owner (carrier) of the controlled goods to present a veterinary certificate on a paper form.