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GRATA International in IFLR1000’s financial and corporate rankings across 8 countries
IFRL1000 released the third of four groups of rankings that represent IFLR1000's 31st edition which focused on identifying best firms and lawyers in financial and corporate, as well as project development practices across the globe.
GRATA Beijing participated in the SCO International Conference in the People's Republic of China
On June 30, 2021, the SCO International Conference was held in Beijing on the topic: "Investment potential of the Central Asian countries - opportunities and prospects for the realization of joint projects within the SCO."
Standard & Poor’s improved Uzbekistan’s rating forecast to «stable»
The world-rating agency Standard & Poor's (the “Agency”) in its last report maintained Uzbekistan's sovereign rating at "BB-" level, but improved the forecast for the country from "negative" to "stable".
GRATA Belarus took part in the German-Belarusian Economic Club
On June 9, 2021, Natalia Zhuk, Senior Associate at GRATA International, Belarus, spoke at the German-Belarusian Economic Club with a detailed analysis of the novels regarding the legislative regulation of export and import operations in connection with the adoption of a new version of the law on foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control in Belarus.
Submission of information on the income of individuals - a single database
On April 10, 2021, a resolution of the Council of ministers came into force, which defined the functioning of the AIS accounting of personal income. The owner of the AIS will be the Ministry of Taxation.
GRATA International in International rankings
A leading Russian law firms rating directory Pravo-300 released the results of its first ever research of legal markets of CIS countries. The main goal of Pravo-300 International is to provide an overview of the regional legal market, identify main players and help Russia law firms find reliable partners for projects in the local jurisdictions.