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President of the National Bank of Georgia Adopted Following Orders
Order # 130/04 on the approval of the rule on Simplified Procedures for the Acquisition of a Significant Share of a Commercial Bank in the Mode of Resolution. Order aims to facilitate the speedy and smooth running of the resolution mode by defining simplified procedures for acquisition of a significant share.
Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission adopted the Ordinance on the Approval of the Rules on Licensing and Notification of Energy Activities
On 4 June 2020, the Ordinance of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission was published on the Approval of the Rules on Licensing and Notification of Energy Activities was published on the website of Legislative Herald of Georgia.
Parliament of Georgia adopted the law on changes to the Law on Organizing Lotteries, Games of Chance and Other Prize Games
On 25 June 2020, Changes to the Law on Organizing Lotteries, Games of Chance and Other Prize Games was published on the website of the Legislative Herald of Georgia.
Limited liability companies were allowed to issue corporate bonds
Uzbek Parliament has passed a law granting limited liability companies (the “LLCs”) the right to issue corporate bonds (the “Draft Law”). The draft is now due for parliamentary approval by the Senate and by the president.
The Ministry of Justice published a draft of Presidential Decree "On measures to improve licensing and authorization procedures"
The Ministry of Justice has developed a draft of Presidential Decree "On measures to improve licensing and authorization procedures" (the “Draft Decree”) that aims to simplify about 1000 established bureaucratic processes. The Draft Decree plans to implement comprehensive measures to improve licensing and authorization procedures in two stages.
From 10th of July to 1st of August the quarantine measures in the Republic of Uzbekistan will be strengthened
Due to the worsening situation of the coronavirus pandemic and the increase in the number of coronavirus cases, the Special Republican Commission on Combating Coronavirus (the "Commission") has decided to strengthen the approved quarantine measures from 10th of July to 1st of August.