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How to register a sick leave during state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic?
How to register a sick leave during state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic? What is the amount of benefits for temporary disability? Can citizens get tested for coronavirus? The answers for these and other questions are provided by the lawyer of Bishkek office of Grata International, Aidar Oruzbaev.
Uzbekistan established a new procedure for the construction of external advertising
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan has approved the regulation "On the Procedure for the Construction of External Advertising Facilities (Constructions)", which will enter into force on March 21, 2020 (the "Regulation").
The procedure for registration of personal databases in Uzbekistan has been established
The registration of personal databases will be carried out in the manner established by the regulation “On the state register of personal databases”
In Uzbekistan, the number of licenses and permits for entrepreneurs will be halved
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan proposed to create a Fiscal Institute