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The Franchise Law Review: Kazakhstan
GRATA International contributed to the Law Business Research Guide series - Franchise 2017 with the chapter on Kazakhstan. 
Shaimerden Chikanayev on development of the PPP projects market in Kazakhstan
Shaimerden Chikanayev, Partner of GRATA International law firm made comments to the national newspaper "Kazpravda" on the development of the PPP projects market in Kazakhstan.
Legal developments in the regulation of control over medicines circulation in Russia
In March and April 2017 the following regulatory acts entered into force:

--the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Health Care Sector (Roszdravnadzor) on Performance of Federal State Surveillance in the Area of Medicines Circulation through the Organisation and Conduct of Inspection for Compliance by Medicines Circulation Entities with the Requirements for Pre-Clinical Trials, Clinical Trials of Medicines, Storage, Transportation, Release, Sale of Medicines, Application and Destruction of Medicines
Clarification of the State revenue committee on application on import of goods and payment of indirect taxes
Please be informed that the State revenue committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the ‘SRC’) clarified in its letter dated 13 March 2017 No. КГД-08-3-13036-КГД-6468 that the Kazakh exporter is obliged to provide the tax authorities with an application on import of goods and payment of indirect taxes submitted along with VAT declaration and received from the importer in case of export of goods to the member-states of the Eurasian economic union (the EAEU).
Apple's subsidiary was recognized guilty of violation of antimonopoly law in Russia
On 14 March 2017, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia) recognized Apple's subsidiary in Russia, Apple Rus LLC, guilty of coordinating the economic activities of the Apple iPhone resellers, which led to the establishment and maintenance of prices for these devices, in violation of Article 11 part 5 of the Federal Law No. 135-FZ dated 26 July 2006 "On Protection of Competition".
Amendment to the Telecommunication Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan
In accordance with the Law on “Amendment to the Telecommunication Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated 10 March 2017, operators and providers of internet telecommunication service shall be registered with the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies (“MTCHT”) within 15 days upon the commencement date of rendering service.