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Basic Guidelines for Registering a Trademark in Uzbekistan
Distinctive and unique designations in the form of word or combinations of figurative and verbal elements in any colours must be registered with the Agency for Intellectual Property of Uzbekistan to be recognised as trademarks and granted protection under Uzbek law.
Clarification of the State revenue committee on deduction of losses of foreign branch of a Kazakh company
Please be informed that the State revenue committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the ‘SRC’) clarified in its letter dated 30 January 2017 No. КГД-07-1-3343-КГД-2247 that a Kazakh company is obliged to declare income and expenses of its foreign branch in the declaration on corporate income tax (hereinafter – ‘CIT’).
New rules set for VAT refunds on consumption goods in Azerbaijan
On February 20, 2017, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on approval of “Rule for the refund of the value added tax paid by natural persons during shopping festivals for the goods that are not intended for commercial or production purposes, and that are purchased in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan” (“Rule”).
Recent changes in the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The main changes in the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan included:
Transfer of rates of customs fees in the national currency
Introduction of changes to EAEU FEACN
The decisions on classification of goods under EAEU FEACN adopted by the Eurasian economic commission
Azerbaijan adopts legislation to promote high-growth in non-oil sector and expand export opportunities
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on “additional measures with regard to strengthening the position of the Republic of Azerbaijan as Digital Trade Hub and expansion of foreign trade transactions” on February 22, 2017.
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2017: Russia
GRATA International Moscow office contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2017 with the chapter on Russia.