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GRATA International ranked across several jurisdictions in ILFR1000 2019
IFLR1000 has released its 2019 rankings identifying leading firms and lawyers worldwide.
GRATA International has been ranked in 7 jurisdictions in Europe and Asia: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. IFLR1000 paid special attention to GRATA’s wide geographical coverage in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
Uzbekistan and Belarus sign contracts worth US$231 million
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko paid an official visit to Uzbekistan on 12-13 September 2018.
Ministry of Finances of the Republic of Belarus Specified Dates of Completing Business Operations
Amendments concern business operations relating to performance of works, rendering services and lease relations.
While rendering services, which results the customer can use during the term of the agreement, the date of completing this business operation shall be:
• last calendar day of each month of provision of services and the last day of provision of services – if the term of the agreement exceeds one month;
• last calendar day of the month, when provision of services is started, and (or) the day of completing of provision of services – if the term of the agreement does not exceed one month.
Alteration of the Instruction on Regulation of Prices of Companies-Monopolists
Amendments were made to the Instruction on Regulation of Prices of Goods (Works, Services) of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs included in the State Register of Business Entities Taking Dominating Positions on Market of the Republic of Belarus.
Visa-Free Regime is Extended up to 30 Days
Good news for foreign guests and partners – possible stay period in Belarus without visa has been extended to 30 days! This preference is available for foreigners in case of entry into the state and subsequent exit across the state border via Minsk National Airport.
Investment Funds in Belarus
Starting from July 23, 2018 Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 52-Z dated 17.07.2017 “On Investment Funds” entered into force, and a new mechanism of attracting investments emerged in Belarus – investment funds.