The well-known and free-accessed ICLG (International Comparative Legal Guide) series provides current and practical comparative legal information on a range of practice areas, including Mining Law.

The Mining Law 2018 – Kazakhstan with 43 specific issues addressed by GRATA International in view of the then-acting subsoil use legislation was initially published on September 2017.


As the mining legal environment will substantially change after the new Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use dated 27 December 2017 comes into force on 29 June 2018, GRATA has updated the Kazakhstan chapter accordingly.


You can see it at

Almaty, Казакстан
Уул Уурхай
Газрын тос &Шатахуун
Сүүлийн үеийн мэдээ мэдээллийг авахын тулд манай мэдээллийн хуудсыг захиалаарай: