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Dispute resolution support in CIS and Eastern Europe
The continuing development and close economic links between countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia), and close historic ties between CIS countries encourage constant cooperation between the countries, increase the volume of mutual trade and number of business projects between the companies from these countries.
Agreement on accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the international Kimberley Process Certification Scheme has been expressed
This resolution expresses consent of the Kyrgyz Republic to join the international Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
Adoption of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Official Statistics"
The President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbai Zheenbekov signed the Law "On official statistics".
A new discountrate of the NationalBank of the Kyrgyz Republic has been established
Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 2019-P-07/44-2-(MPE) dated August 26, 2019 sets the new discount rate of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic at 4.25 percent per annum.

The Resolution will come into effect on 27 August 2019.
Appointment of the Business Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic
Robin Ord-Smith has been appointed by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic by the Resolution No. 297-r dated 13August2019 as the authorized person to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of business entities (the Business Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Changes have been made to certain legal acts in the field of renewable energy
Profit from activities of new producers of electric and thermal energy, gas and renewable fuel in gaseous state, liquid biofuel obtained as a result of use of renewable energy sources within 5 years from the moment of commissioning of property objects of power plants on the basis of use of renewable energy sources is exempt from taxation.
Adoption of the Law on Public- Private Partnership
The Law was adopted in order to simplify the procedures and reduce the time frame in the process of preparation of public-private partnership projects.
A ban on research and development of radioactive elements (uranium) in Kyrgyzstan
Since June 2, 2019, a ban has been imposed on carrying out works on license areas provided for the purpose of geological study and the development of radioactive elements (uranium).
On May 29, the deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the draft law “On Public-Private Partnership”
Was approved A new version of the law “On Public-Private Partnership” in the second reading.
KR State Committee for Information Technologies and Communications sumbits a draft regulatory legal act on licensing activities on the use of the radio frequency spectrum for public discussion
Since May 27, 2019, the State Committee for Information Technologies and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic has submitted for public discussion a draft Government Regulation “On Amendments to the Regulation of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Approval of the Regulation on Licensing the Use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum” dated November 17, 2017 No. 754 ".