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To whom now it is impossible to create a legal entity?
The constitutional court finally approved: a temporary ban on the creation of new legal entities and participation in the management of already existing legal entities for unfair citizens to the Constitution.
What cases can be considered urgent in the context of a pandemic?
Viktor Momotov, Chairman of the Council of judges, explained which cases could be considered urgent in the context of restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
GRATA International held the meeting of the Working Group on Legal Issues at the CCI France-Kazakhstan
The online meeting of the working group on legal issues was held on April 14, 2020. Theme of the meeting: "Some issues of emergency in connection with the epidemic COVID-19."
Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved eight laws and rejected the Law on international commercial arbitration
During the second plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis several laws were discussed, with eight draft laws being approved and one rejected. Senators rejected the Law “On International Commercial Arbitration”.
Lawyers were allowed to receive a fee
The changes secured the right to a success fee for holders of the status of a lawyer. But it's not that simple. To begin with, the Federal Chamber of lawyers should specify the rules for success fees. Already, Law No. 400-FZ specifies that this provision will not apply to criminal cases and cases of administrative offenses.