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It is impossible to penalize a supplier for the wrong product, if he was able to rectify the defect before the expiration of delivery
Between Federal state institution "Main Bureau of medical-social expertise in Ulyanovsk region" the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation (the Customer) and LLC "MRTECHICA" (Supplier) was awarded the contract for the supply of technical means of rehabilitation according to the results of the electronic auction.
In Russia, all categories of particularly serious cases and economic crimes can be referred to a jury
"Given that the courts of the Russian Federation have experience in considering cases involving jurors, I consider it possible to extend this procedure to the consideration of criminal cases on all particularly serious crimes and crimes in the field of business activity, in the materials of which there is no information about state secrets," - said the Chairman of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Lebedev at a meeting of judges.
Bakhyt Tukulov, partner of GRATA International took part on the Conference devoted to recent trends of international arbitration
On January 20, 2020, the Conference: “What makes international arbitration user-friendly?” was held at the Hotel Intercontinental in Almaty
GRATA International ranked in Chambers&Partners Asia-Pacific 2020
Chambers&Partners has recently released its 2020 Asia-Pacific Guide, in which GRATA International has confirmed its status as one of the leading legal experts in Central Asia and Caspian region, with rankings in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
GRATA Azerbaijan will sponsor Topchubashov Arbitration Moot Court 2020
GRATA Azerbaijan has decided to support the sponsorship program of 2020 Topchubashov Arbitration Moot Court.
The Supreme court of the Russian Federation has created a new precedent for the recovery of subsidiary liability from the debtor?
"Termination of the bankruptcy procedure is not the basis for termination of proceedings on the application for bringing to subsidiary liability of controlling persons of the debtor" - this is the conclusion reached by the Supreme court of the Russian Federation considering the complaint of the creditor-applicant in the bankruptcy case.