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On July 23, 2021, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Decree “On Ensuring the Activity of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO
On July 23, 2021, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Decree “On Ensuring the Activity of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO” and on making Amendments to the Decree “On Further improvement of management in the field of export and investment promotion”, dated July 23, 2021, #1411.
On July 23, 2021 was adopted a Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 9, 2021 #360-VIQD on making Amendments
On July 23, 2021 was adopted a Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 9, 2021 #360-VIQD On making Amendments to the Labor Code, Civil Procedural Code, Family Code, Civil Code, Tax Code, Criminal Procedural Code, Administrative Procedural Code and Code on Administrative Offences, Law “On Social Insurance”, Law “On Health Insurance”, Law “On State Duty”, Law “On Judicial-Legal Council” and the Law “On Administrative Proceedings”.
GRATA International will hold a webinar: "Customs regulation of e-commerce"
On September 10, 2021 the webinar: “Customs regulation of e-commerce will be held online.
Dispute Resolution support in Switzerland
As a part of our enhanced range of services and an expanded network of offices, we would like to offer our dispute resolution support in Switzerland.
Dispute Resolution support in Turkey
As a part of our enhanced range of services and an expanded network of offices, we would like to offer our dispute resolution support in Turkey.

GRATA International’s clients will be guaranteed first-class legal service in Turkey, while clients of Baspinar & Partners will get access to GRATA International’s entire network and it’s global coverage.
Amendments to the regulation on the unified procedure for veterinary control (supervision) at the customs border of the EAEU and on the customs territory of the EAEU
These changes provide for the possibility of issuing a veterinary certificate in electronic form. If this form was used, the officials of the authorized body of the member state do not have the right to require the owner (carrier) of the controlled goods to present a veterinary certificate on a paper form.