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Video surveillance in the workplace: control over the processing of personal data.
Given the increase in the number of organizations installing video surveillance systems on their premises, monitoring both visitors and employees, the supervisory body (the National Personal Data Protection Center) clarified that such actions may be considered a violation of legislation on the protection of personal data, and updated its recommendations in December, what to consider not to violate the law.
The amended version of the Labor Code of Belarus comes into force on January 1
From January 1, 2024, amendments to the Labor Code of Belarus will come into force, which will entail the need to adjust several internal regulations by January 1, 2024:
Actual  issues of labour migration in GRATA International
We are pleased to present you a new brochure on "Actual  issues of labour migration in GRATA International"
Belarusian employees will receive more labour guarantees
On June 29, 2023, Law No. 273-Z "On amending laws on labour relations issues" was signed, significantly changing the Labour Code of Belarus. This law will enter into force on January 1, 2024. Here are some details of the new regulations.
Amending the Civil Code was entered into force introducing changes in four areas
On 24 February 2023, Act No. 822-VIQD amending the Civil Code was entered into force, introducing changes in four areas: on the conclusion of written contracts, on the loan agreement, and adding articles on the credit agreement and the consumer credit agreement.