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Opening of a bank account by a non-resident in Belarus
There are no restrictions on the conduction of foreign exchange transactions by a non-resident on accounts in Belarus. According to Art. 18 of the Law, non-residents have a right to transfer Belarusian rubles and (or) foreign currency from their accounts opened in foreign banks to their accounts opened in Belarusian banks without restrictions, as well as transfer Belarusian rubles and (or) foreign currency from their accounts, opened in Belarusian banks, to their accounts opened in foreign banks, or to their other accounts opened in Belarusian banks without restrictions.
GRATA International Law Firm held online conference on PPPs in Eurasia
On December 2, 2021, GRATA International held the final international online conference: "Public-private partnership and infrastructure development in Eurasia: recent changes in legislation, main problems and opportunities" for this year.
Roadmap “Electronic trade in EAEU
In the scope of the Roadmap, several measures are prescribed. For example, the change of customs regulation in the sphere of external electronic trade, changes in the non-tariff regulation measures, collection of indirect taxes, receiving statistical data, etc.  
EAEU. Pilot project in Belarus
The decision of the EEC Council N81 has come into action on November 5, 2021. It allowed legal entities who are defined as operators of electronic trade in the framework of the Pilot project to submit international goods for the customs procedure of release for the internal consumption before submission of declaration.
Employment law
Estimated working time for 2022 for the full rate of duration: for the 5days working week with the weekends on Saturday and Sunday – 2037 hours
The process of working with the cash register equipment is going through significant changes
The process of working with the cash register equipment is going through significant changes. For example, the usage of the payment terminal for one organization of consumer cooperation retail on several trade objects.
Since 1, January 2022 information source “Registry of advertisers” will start working
Since 1, February 2022 providing services of distribution of advertisement by an advertiser who is not included to the Registry is gonna be banned and considered illegal.
New Law On protection of personal data came into action in Belarus
For companies, it means additional liabilities and the need to develop an algorithm for processing personal data of any kind of individual whether it is current and potential clients or representative of a legal entity. 
Medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment pricing
Since October, 18 2021 the Presidential Decree N 366 11.08.2005 “About medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment pricing” is amended.
EAEU. New CN FEA codes
Since January 1, 2022 the 7th Edition of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the basis of EEMA CN FEA) will enter into force.