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Expected changes in Kazakh legislation related to the implementation of the blockchain technology
The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is currently considering a draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'On the Introduction of Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Regulation of Digital Technologies' (hereinafter - the 'Draft Law'). The Draft Law provides for changes to a number of regulatory legal acts regarding legal support for the implementation and application of digital technologies in Kazakhstan.
COVID-19 and Changing Patterns in Global Economy
In a coronavirus situation when people stay at home, consumption becomes limited and businesses suffer; the
focus of solving state economic problems shift from monetary policy to a fiscal one. The spread of coronavirus and inability of the OPEC countries to develop joint policies contributed to decrease of Brent oil price. The double shocks of pandemic and political-economic news have created an environment of unprecedented uncertainty. As a result, oil and gas companies, as well as oil-producing countries will suffer.
MONGOLIA: Approval of package laws on exemption and credit of Tax and Social insurance premium during Covid19
Approval of package laws on exemption and credit of Tax and Social insurance premium during Covid19
Alert on draft of amendments concerning special economic zones activity
At present two drafts of the amendments concerning activity of special economic zones (hereinafter – ‘SEZ’) are under consideration. One of these drafts suggests to expand the list of priority types of activities of SEZ Ontustik, while the other one suggests to create a new SEZ ‘Shymkent City’ on the territory of Shymkent.
The State Duma allowed entrepreneurs to terminate lease agreements unilaterally
The state Duma of the Russian Federation has adopted in the third and final reading a bill regulating rental relations during high-alert regime.
A brief overview of the changes in the Environmental Legislation of the Russian Federation
The theme of ecology and environmental protection is still one of the most relevant on the world agenda. Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic temporarily overshadowed environmental issues, nevertheless, environmental legislation in Russia remains relevant and in demand. Taking into account the large number of requests from our clients, we decided to make quarterly reviews of the main changes in environmental legislation, which may concern representatives of many sectors of the economy.