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2 quarters of labor. A brief overview of changes in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation
The end of 2019 is remembered for the active discussion of numerous planned changes that were proposed or planned for 2020. Many people probably remember the sensational news about the electronic employment workbooks. Nevertheless, the first half of the new year fairly "thinned" the shaft of proposals and projects. Some bills are already "in the archive", some will be implemented (if they are) later, but some changes still came into force.
Circulation of electronic money in Belarus
In Belarus, the circulation of electronic money issued either by residents of Belarus or non-residents is allowed.
Kazakhstan: First steps to becoming a regional hub for Islamic finance
Despite the attempts of the government of Kazakhstan to make its Islamic finance market more attractive, Islamic products are still rarely used in Kazakhstan. Currently, according to the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the share of Islamic banking assets in Kazakhstan represents an insignificant part of the total assets of the banking sector: 0.21% (a year earlier the share was 0.16%). According to the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC), the target to achieve by 2025 is 5–7%
Anti-crisis Economic plan
On April 24, 2020 Prime Minister of Georgia – Giorgi Gakharia, presented Anti-Crisis Economic plan. Prime Minister reviewed social programs and economic reliefs that the government of Georgia had already implemented. Prime Minister presented the following anti-crisis plan:
Important Coronavirus business measures in Germany that you should know
Since its emergence, the coronavirus has caused devastating consequences to the whole world´s health and economy. Germany is also one of the biggest victims, although it seems to be slightly better off than other main European Countries.
Recalibration of public–private partnership policy in Kazakhstan — what to expect?
In 2020, Kazakhstan faces a hurricane in the form of the impact consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the plunge in the price of oil to a 20-year low, including, among others, decreased economic activities, devaluation of the local currency (tenge), reduced foreign direct investments in risky markets and shrinking state budgets.