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COVID-19. Who can take advantage of credit vacations and how?
In the third final reading the state Duma adopted amendments to the Federal law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" providing holiday loans to citizens, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses caught in a difficult situation due to the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19).
Doing Business in Kazakhstan
The brochure provides you with the comprehensive information about the main forms of doing business in Kazakhstan, including a detailed comparison table of such forms, information on the tax structure, bankruptcy, PPP and frequently asked questions for starting and doing business in Kazakhstan.
ALERT of the amendments to the Regulatory ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan on tax legislation
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan drafted the amendments to the Regulatory ruling ‘On judicial practice on application of tax legislation’ dated 29 June 2017 No. 4[1]. The amendments affected the provisions on recognition of transactions as invalid on the basis of the claims from the state revenue authorities.
Kazakhstan: Corporate M&A 2020
M&A market in Kazakhstan remained strong in 2019, as it was in 2018. Activity was largely driven by ongoing consolidation of Kazakh banks because of the increased capitalisation requirements of the financial regulator, consolidation in the telecommunications sector and acquisitions in the IT sector.
MONGOLIA: Measures to be undertaken by Employer during Covid-19
The Government of Mongolia is implementing the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus named as Covid-19 that World Health Organization declared the rapidly spreading corona-virus outbreak as a pandemic.
Additional Measures to Support Taxpayers in a view of Imposing the State of Emergency in Kazakhstan
On 20 April 2020 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the Resolution introducing additional measures to support taxpayers