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On 18-19 May, GRATA International took part in seminar on Investment Climate in Kazakhstan
On 18-19 May, GRATA International took part in seminar on Investment Climate in Kazakhstan. The seminar was organized by International Business Association One Belt, One Road in Shenzhen, China
GRATA International: 25 years expanding horizons and supporting your success!
The firm celebrates its 25th anniversary.
GRATA International Held a Workshop titled: 'Corporate Law and Corporate Governance in Joint Stock Companies'
On 19 May 2017, GRATA International arrange a workshop for KazMunaiGas titled: 'Corporate Law and Corporate Governance in Joint Stock Companies'.
Bakhyt Tukulov Spoke at the Legal Forum for Dispute Settlement
On 19 May 2017, the Legal Forum for Dispute Settlement was held in Astana hotel 'Kazzhol'.  The event was arranged at the initiative of 'Atameken' National Chamber of Businessmen and Lincoln Brown law firm.
Lawyers in Support of the Energy of Future!
On 10 June 2017, EXPO exhibition opens doors to its visitors.
GRATA International in Saint Petersburg
Continuing rapid development in Russia, GRATA International is glad to announce the launch of a new associate office in Saint Petersburg.